Local Trainings
Inscríbase hoy: capacitaciones gratuitas o de costo mínimo. Busque su condado a continuación para conectarse con la organización que administra capacitaciones en su área. Las capacitaciones también están disponibles en línea. Si no ve su condado en la lista, comuníquese con Mary o Brenda.
Contact your local site to get started!
Trainings for:
Linn County
Benton County
Albany, Oregon
Trainings for:
Crook County
Deschutes County
Jefferson County
Bend, Oregon
Trainings for:
Coos County
Coos Bay, Oregon
Trainings for:
Wallowa County
Baker County
Malheur County
Enterprise, Oregon
Trainings for:
Hood River County
Wasco County
Gilliam County
Wheeler County
Klickitat County (WA)
Hood River, Oregon
Trainings for:
Klamath County
Phone: (541) 885-6017
Email: danat@klamathfallscasa.org
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Trainings for:
Yamhill County
Polk County
McMinnville, Oregon
Trainings for:
Siskiyou County
Mt. Shasta, CA
Trainings for:
Clackamas County
Phone: (503) 655-7725
Email: amanda@childrenscenter.cc
Oregon City, Oregon
Trainings for:
Multonomah County
Washington County
Phone: (503) 276-9000
Email: lspaulding@lhs.org
Portland, Oregon
Trainings for:
Marion County
Polk County
Salem, Oregon
Trainings for:
Siskiyou County (CA)
Yreka, California

Nuestros recursos
Red cuidadosamente seleccionada de recursos comunitarios locales para ayudar con la prevención y comprensión del problema del abuso sexual infantil.
Additional Resources
Profundice en el mundo de los programas de prevención del abuso sexual infantil. Explore nuestra colección de recursos y comprenda mejor las iniciativas destinadas a poner fin a este problema.
Our energies are focused on uplifting Oregon families, so children across the state can reach their full potential.
Oregon Abuse Advocates & Survivors in Service (OAASIS)
OAASIS is building a movement that empowers communities to prevent child sexual abuse and help survivors live full, healthy, joyful lives.
As the statewide network of children's advocacy centers in Oregon, our mission is to strengthen the training, resources, and technical assistance of CAC professionals, first responders, and multidisciplinary teams as they prevent and respond to all forms of child abuse.
Providing training, resources and support to organizations and communities throughout Oregon working to prevent and respond to violence and abuse across the lifespan.
Prevent Child Abuse Oregon is committed to ensuring all kids grow up in safe homes and communities.
Prevent Together: The National Coalition to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Protect Our Children is a proud member of Prevent Together - A national collaboration of leading organizations and experts working together to prevent child sexual abuse and exploitation and foster the healthy development of children. The Coalition promotes collaboration, quality research, positive messaging, advocacy, and evidence-based prevention strategies. Please check out the National Plan to Prevent Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Expoitation.